Fiona Wijegooneratne


Co-founding the Warehouse Project back in 2010 alongside her husband Bishop Kirby Delanerolle, Fiona initially conceptualized the project as a community development initiative designed to enrich, better and sustain the lives of the community living in proximity to the initial locality of the project. Since then, she’s worked with an ever-growing team, both local and global, to replicate and facilitate projects around Sri Lanka that fosters human development and economic enablement. Her track record with social empowerment extends in terms of her roles as Board Member of the Apostolic Diocese of Ceylon (ADC) and as co-founder of Wow life Church. Both entities are active nationally and abroad, in inculcating intra and interreligious dialogue toward peacebuilding and reconciliation. Within the spheres of business and creative direction, Fiona has operated for over a decade, both within the apparel industry and in digital design solutions, including setting up training facility means for students in design. She is fully certified by the Flow Research Institute as a High Flow Coach. Fiona remains an active advocate of sports as a vehicle of empowerment and bridge-building, and has personally participated in numerous Iron Man 70.3 triathlons across the world. Fiona received her LLB (Hons) from Buckingham University in the UK and is currently reading for a Master's in Theology from the Fuller Seminary in the US.